Our Expectations


At Walliston Primary, we value respect and positive relationships with others. While we strive daily to do the right thing, we acknowledge that there will be times in our students’ lives where they make the wrong choice and, as a result, cause harm to their relationships with others.

At Walliston Primary, we actively support students to acknowledge how their behavior impacts upon others and to then take responsibility for restoring their relationships by accepting the consequences for their actions. Students are encouraged by school staff, as they work to equip children with both the language and confidence to resolve situations where relationships break down.

Our students are supported in making positive choices not only by staff, but also through the positive role model of our older students. To support this we have introduced a whole school approach known as PBS or Positive Behaviour Support, which is alos supported by our classroom program of ‘Zones of Regulation”.

To meet our school vision we have created School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Guidelines. The purpose of which, is to develop and implement School wide Behaviour Support to improve behaviour, teach social skills and foster a positive attitude towards learning to achieve higher educational outcomes. It is our intention that this will develop a school culture which is consistent and based on a common language which is used by all.


Our Behaviour Expectations are: