School Uniforms
School Dress Code
School uniforms help develop school tone, ethos and spirt. Our students are expected to wear the designated school uniform. The Walliston School Council endorses this requirement. We have a dress requirements policy.
It is our belief that there is a close correlation between a student’s appearance and the attitude they display. Where students are neat and tidy in their dress there is usually a carryover to neat and tidy work-habits and to acceptable behaviour. Parents are asked to ensure that their children are dressed in school uniform.
The school colours are maroon and black/white.

Uniform Shop:
Run By: Walliston PS P&C Association
Location: on the oval adjacent to the staff carpark
Enquires: [email protected]
Opening Times:
Alternatively complete an order form and hand it into the front office.
A copy of the Uniform Order form can be found here.
Uniform Order Form